When you enter Lone Pine Kennel you will be greeted by our friendly staff of dog loving professionals that recognize your pet by name. Our goal is exceptional care for each dog that stays with with us. One of the highest compliments we can receive is "My dog didn't want to leave!"
Emma (Assistant Manager)
Emma has 10 years experience working and studying in the animal field after getting her Animal science degree from UVM. She has spent her life caring about and working with animals wild and domestic. She has now been with us for over 5 years and has worked on making sure every new dog through our doors has a fierce friend and advocate.
Mary Jane (Manager)
Mary Jane has over 20 years experience in the boarding world as well as being an experienced Jack Russell Terrier breeder & owner. She has been the driving force of Lone Pine Kennel and has created an amazing team. Her hands on approach ensures your dog will never miss out on snuggles while they stay with us.
"What does a dog do on his day off? He can't lie around - that's his job." ~ George Carlin
(Senior Kennel Attendant)
Antonio has become a staple of the LPK family. He is a Jack of All Trades & is often immersed in some improvement project around the kennel. His sense of humor keeps the days enjoyable and he has a love for dogs of all shapes & sizes. Look for him in our pictures, snuggling both German Shepherds and Yorkies alike.
(Office assistant)
Former student of Plattsburg University and is currently volunteering as an EMS for the Town of Mount Kisco. He has been around dogs his entire life due to his mothers prior breeding Jack Russel Terriers and will always try and befriend dog that walks through our doors.
Email: office@lonepinekennel.com
Tel: 203-661-4358
Fax: 203-661-1540
The entrance to our facility is on John Street. Often GPS programs will tell you to take Buckfield Lane, however there is NO access to the property from that road.
Monday - Saturday
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Closed for arrivals, but ask about our Sunday pick up policy.
OPEN Office Hours